On the afternoon of Friday 12 July the whole school made the trip up the road to Hungerford Town Football Club, home of The Crusaders, for our first Sports Day.
We were joined by many parents, grandparents, relatives and carers for the afternoon, which thankfully stayed dry for us.
The pitch was set up with lots of equipment including hula hoops, hurdles, beanbags, balloons, buckets of water and sponges. The equipment was used in a series of games which each class participated in, on rotation, for four minutes sessions.
Everyone had a fantastic time in the sunshine and the students had loads of fun trying out all the different activities.
On return to school, after the weekend, all the students who participated in Sports Day received certificates.
We would like to thank all the team at HTCF for lending us their facilities for the afternoon and for being such brilliant hosts.
We can’t wait for next year’s event already!
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